
  • 980nm UP Conversion Pigment Infrared phosphor pigment for Security Printing Ink Red Green Yellow Blue

    980nm UP Conversion Pigment Infrared phosphor pigment for Security Printing Ink Red Green Yellow Blue

    980nm IR fluorescent pigment Anti-Counterfeit Pigment 1. IR fluorescent pigment;2. Ke phofo ea 'mala o mosoeu ha e ntse e le tlas'a mahlaseli a infrared, e tla bontša' mala.ha e tloha hole le mahlaseli a infrared, e tla khutlela 'mala o mosoeu;3. Leqhubu la thabo: 940-1060nm;4. Leqhubu la tlhōrō: 980nm;5. Boholo ba karolo ea phofo: 10um;Kopo: Thepa e ka eketsoa linthong tse bonaletsang kapa tse translucent joalo ka polasetiki, pente, enke, resin kapa khalase.E sebelisoa haholo licheleteng, likoloto, karete, Koae, joala, lithethefatsi, ...
  • 980nm IR fluorescent pigment Anti-Counterfeit Pigment

    980nm IR fluorescent pigment Anti-Counterfeit Pigment

    980nm IR fluorescent pigment : Infrared excitation enke ke enke e hatisang e fanang ka leseli le bonahalang, le khanyang le le benyang (bofubelu, botala le boputsoa) ha e pepeselitsoe leseli la infrared (940-1060nm).Ka likarolo tsa litaba tsa theknoloji e phahameng, bothata ba ho kopitsa le bokhoni bo phahameng ba anti-forgery, e ka sebelisoa khatisong e khahlanong le bosholu ka bophara, haholo-holo lipampiring le livoutjhara tsa peterole.

  • Infrared Invisible Pigment (980nm) bakeng sa enke, ho roala

    Infrared Invisible Pigment (980nm) bakeng sa enke, ho roala

    pigment e sa bonahaleng ea infrared (980nm)
    Mofuta oa lefatše le sa tloaelehang, le se nang motsoako oa radioactive.
    Kamora ho monya leseli la pono, khanya ea letsatsi, lebone la lebone, lebone la UV joalo-joalo, e ka boloka matla le ho fana ka leseli lefifing.Mokhoa ona o ka phetoa ka ho sa feleng

  • 980nm holimo Conversion Infrared Pigment bakeng sa Banknote, khatiso ea ts'ireletso

    980nm holimo Conversion Infrared Pigment bakeng sa Banknote, khatiso ea ts'ireletso

    Infrared excitation inki/pigment: Enke ea ho hlasimolla ha infrared ke enke e hatisang e fanang ka leseli le bonahalang, le khanyang le le benyang (bosehla, bokhubelu, botala le boputsoa) ha bo pepeselitsoe leseli la infrared (940-1060nm).Ka likarolo tsa litaba tsa theknoloji e phahameng, bothata ba ho kopitsa le bokhoni bo phahameng ba ho thibela ho qhekella, e ka sebelisoa khatisong e khahlanong le bosholu ka bophara, haholo ho lintlha tsa RMB le livoutjhara tsa peterole.

  • Infrared (up-conversion) anti-counterfeiting phosphor

    Infrared (up-conversion) anti-counterfeiting phosphor

    Infrared stimulated anti-counterfeiting phosphor e loketse mefuta eohle ea mekhoa ea khatiso, 'me e ke ke ea hlahisa maikutlo a mabe ha e kopantsoe le mefuta efe kapa efe ea inki.Sehlahisoa sena se ka kopanngoa ka polasetiki, pampiri, lesela, ceramics, khalase le tharollo. ho lekoa ho sebelisoa pene e khethehileng ea laser kapa laser detector.

  • Infrared upconversion phosphors pigment IR980nm

    Infrared upconversion phosphors pigment IR980nm

    Lisebelisoa tsa infrared anti-counterfeiting ha li monya leseli le sa bonahaleng la 980nm, matla a lokolloang ka potlako, a bonts'a phello ea 'mala o khanyang oa fluorescence, a ka fetola maballo a fapaneng a sa bonahaleng a infrared hore e be leseli le bonahalang.
    Ha mohloli oa leseli o tlosoa, hang-hang khaotsa ho ntša leseli, tsosolosa boemo ba pele ba ho se bonahale.

  • UP-CONVERSION Phosphor Anti-Stokes Pigment

    UP-CONVERSION Phosphor Anti-Stokes Pigment

    UP-CONVERSION Phosphor Anti-Stokes Pigment e bolela hore thepa e thabisoa ke khanya ea matla a tlaase 'me e hlahisa leseli la matla a phahameng, ke hore, thepa e ntša khanya ea bolelele bo bokhutšoane ba maqhubu le maqhubu a phahameng ka mor'a ho tsosoa ha leseli la nako e telele le maqhubu a tlaase.

  • IR up-conversion phosphors 980nm

    IR up-conversion phosphors 980nm

    IR up-conversion phosphors ke likaroloana tse fetolang leseli la infrared hore e be leseli le bonahalang.Ka tloaelo, lisebelisoa tse fluoresce ke likaroloana tse fetohang tse tlaase tse monyang matla ka holimo (ultraviolet) le ho ntša matla boemong bo tlaase (bo bonahalang).Ka mohlala, mabone a tloaelehileng a ultraviolet a tla baka fluorescence e bonahalang e leng ho fokotseha ha maemo a matla a photon.

  • Infrared Excited Pigment IR980nm

    Infrared Excited Pigment IR980nm

    Infrared Excited Pigment e boetse e bitsoa Infrared upconversion phosphor kapa IR pigment powder, ke mofuta oa lisebelisoa tse sa tloaelehang tsa lefatše tse luminescent tse ka fetolang leseli le haufi le infrared ho leseli le bonahalang.

  • IR Upconverter Pigments 980nm

    IR Upconverter Pigments 980nm

    Li-pigment tsa Anti-Stokes ke lisebelisoa tse khanyang tse khonang ho fetola lebone la laser haufi le infrared (NIR) ho khanya e bonahalang (VIS).Phetoho ea anti-Stokes e etsahala ha tlhahiso e le bolelele bo bokhuts'oane ho feta bavelength ea pele ea thabo.Ka kakaretso, bolelele ba maqhubu a hlasimoloha ke lebone le tiileng le haufi le lebone la infra-red laser (980 nm kapa, ka linako tse ling, 940 nm).Phello e bonahala e le letheba la 'mala o khanyang.

  • Matla a 980nm IR Fluorescence

    Matla a 980nm IR Fluorescence

    980nmIR-fluorescent pigmentE boetse e bitsoa Anti-counterfeit pigment, Ha e na 'mala, ha tlas'a leseli la IR, e tla bontša' mala o motala.
    Leqhubu le sebetsang ke: 940nm-1060nm.
    Bophahamo ba maqhubu a phahameng ke: 980nm.

  • infrared phosphors botala bo botala bo boputsoa bo bofubelu ba ir phosphor up convert

    infrared phosphors botala bo botala bo boputsoa bo bofubelu ba ir phosphor up convert

    IR 980nm phosphor powder, eo hape e bitsoang phofo ea infrared kapa infrared excitation powder, ke lisebelisoa tse sa tloaelehang tsa lefatše tse luminescent tse ka fetolang leseli le haufi le infrared hore e be leseli le bonahalang.E ka fetola khanya e haufi le infrared e ke keng ea bonoa ke mahlo a motho hore e be leseli le bonahalang, 'me e sebelisoa haholo ponts'ong ea infrared, ho lemoha ha infrared le anti-counterfeiting.

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